Unregistered persons may be successful in applying for a SAT (Special Authority to Teach). This is not a teacher registration and can be revoked at any stage without notice.

For more information click here https://www.trb.sa.edu.au/Registering-to-Teach/special-authority-to-teach/specific-authorities

SAT holders wishing to complete PEx (Professional Experience)

A Special Authorisation for an Unregistered Person to Teach is issued under section 30 of the Teachers Registration and Standards Act, 2004, being an emergency measure, restricted to "hard to fill" school sites only. Preservice teachers must teach at 'the authorised school site'.

Separately, professional experience placements should ordinarily not be in the school setting in which SAT holders are employed, especially final PEx placements as these have critical assessment (Teaching Performance Assessment) occurring at a similar time. In the rare event this occurs, they will need to be teaching in areas of their enrolled program and specialisation.

Unregistered persons currently holding a SAT (Special Authority to Teach) and/or seeking to complete a professional experience placement at their site of employment should inform the ITE providerwith status of employment and SAT conditions, as they will make these decisions based on the ITE Program individual accreditation.

The Board acknowledges that SAT holders who are also studying to be a teacher, must meet many challenges to complete their qualification whilst being employed during the period of holding a sat. In effect, you seek to be employed with benefits of on-the job learning whilst still studying. This challenging situation is one not met by other preservice teachers. Not being enrolled in a recognized employment-based pathway to teaching, your SAT authorsitaion does not override your commitments to meet graduation requirements. These are two separate matters.

Only in advising both your ITE provider and your employer can both truly understand your separate commitments, firstly, to your employer under your SAT and importantly to yourself, seeking to graduate fully qualified.

SAT holders are also reminded to ensure they are aware of the conditions of their authorisation.

If you are a preservice teacher, before you enter such an agreement, you must carefully think about your circumstances and have open discussions with your ITE provider and potential employer to ensure it is the best decision for you. Ultimately it is the aim of everyone – you, the Board, your ITE provider and employer that you have a successful professional experience placement, so that you complete your studies, become a registered teacher and have an ongoing successful career.

  • Placement - Does it match your qualification and specialisation? Is this placement going to help your professional growth? Is this placement different to your last placement?
  • Employment pressure: Will your placement be influenced by any job pressures?
  • Support and Mentoring: Will you have an opportunity to receive support and mentoring? What does it look like in your situation?
  • SAT authorisation: Do you know the conditions of your authorisation? Are you able to meet these conditions?

Other questions you may wish to consider and discuss include:

  • Will this delay your graduation? Be aware that if certain requirements are not met, your graduation might be delayed.
  • What happens if you do require support or guidance during your placement? Are there clear ways for you to get help with your studies and support from the school you are working at?

If you are preservice teacher and hold a SAT, and wish to complete placement at the same school, you will need to have a conversation with your provider (University / College) as your provider has certain requirements they must consider under the national policy
