What if I work at a site where there are no other teachers with (full) Registration?
For early childhood teachers it is common for them to work at a site where they are the only registered teacher, or all the other teachers are also provisionally registered.
If this applies to you, you will need to complete a different, modified process.
The process will include:
- negotiating with the Director of your childcare centre/site even if they are not a fully registered teacher, as they will have knowledge of your teaching practice and are in the best position to fulfil the evaluator role
- sharing evidence to demonstrate that you are working at the Proficient level of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
- obtaining a statement of service to verify the required satisfactory teaching service
- completing a Summary Record of Evidence document (also available as a Word document Summary Record of Evidence document)
- completing the Application to Transition from Provisional to (full) Registration and submitting it to the Board
- discussing your application in detail with the Board’s Project Officers – Policy and Strategic Development, who will contact you after the Teachers Registration Board receives your application.
Please note: Some Long Day Care employers have an agreement in place with the Board for an appropriate registered person within their organisation to oversee these applications – please contact the Board if you are unsure.
Teachers who need advice or clarification on the process for early childhood teachers are welcome to call the Board, or contact professional.standards@trb.sa.edu.au